mardi 19 juillet 2016

Lake George Area / Adirondacks - 7/30-8/7

I'm going to be in the Lake George area between July 30 and August 7, and would love to do some climbing if I can find a partner. I am an experienced sport climber (~9 years) with some trad/multi-pitch experience as well, but I sold my trad rack a few years ago. I've got sport gear and a 70m rope, but no trad gear. I'd like to go up Roger's Rock which is right near where I will be staying, but I'm game for anything else as well (maybe something a little bit less low-angle :)). I am also planning on doing some high peaks while I'm up there, so something in the Keene Valley area could work as well. I've climbed at Pilot Knob once on the east side of the lake, but looking on Mountain Project it seems like there are a few other/newer areas over there as well. Let me know if you'd be interested and we can talk further!

- Trevor

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