mercredi 5 octobre 2016

A matter of respect.....or lack thereof

I find it occasionally amusing but oftentimes iritating to read the threads on this forum. We have quite a few very knowledgeable folks about the Takamatsuden traditions on this forum that are willing to share such knowledge, and a lot of folks who have incorrect information because of either teachers who shouldn't be teaching or (in my case) receiving incorrect info way back in the 80s and 90s. Every once in a while I find a piece of info that suddenly makes so many things make sense.

And then we have the plethora of people who don't study the Takamatsuden traditions who want to slag on those of us who do. Asking questions out of curiosity is fine, but then arguing about the answers they get is exceedingly rude. Take a recent thread for instance, "Punching correctly in the Takamatsuden". First of all, it's in the NINJUTSU forum; there's your first clue about what things pertain to. Not MMA, boxing, judo, or BJJ; they have their own forums. Second, this thread is titled " Punching correctly in the Takamatsuden", not "How to punch effectively." Therefore, arguing that Takamatsuden strikes are ineffective, inefficient, and a waste of time to study, especially after having it explained to you why we do what we do, is incredibly rude and disrespectful.

I'm not sure what Please reality's purpose in starting this thread was. He may have been just troll-bating. If you bite on the bait, guess what that makes you?

I get it. Most of the martial arts community doesn't like the Takamatsuden traditions for one reason or another. Fine. There are martial arts conditions but I don't like very much but I don't slag on them in their forums. I try to understand the parameters within which their tradition was formed, which helps their current practice make more sense. I have found that it is possible to understand a martial art and accept its premise even if I don't agree with its premise or even think it is a complete waste of time to study. That would be a complete waste of time FOR ME to study. Someone else may find it completely relevant and exactly what they've been searching for.

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