mercredi 5 octobre 2016

Car Camping Tents

Took the family car camping this weekend and took some flak from the wife regarding my ancient LL Bean tent. It hadn't seen the light of day in at least 20 years, but the weather was wet and my equally ancient Kelty tent no longer stays dry despite repeated attempts at re-waterproofing.
Small cramped floor space, poor ventilation and no vestibule made for an "interesting" weekend.

The nail in the coffin was when we went to the ADK Museum and the display featuring the history of camping had the same LL Bean tent set up. I guess it's time to admit it's officially an artifact!

So the question is...should I look at one larger tent or use two smaller ones for car camping. More specifically the question I am hoping to get some input on is...
Which in the readers opinion is easier when car camping: Finding one large level spot or two smaller level spots?

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