jeudi 6 octobre 2016

Last Minute Backpacking Suggestion?

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum -- I stumbled across you wonderful folks while trying to plan a semi-last minute two night backpacking trip this weekend. Based on the forecast I've decided to head to Adirondacks rather than other areas in the Northeast and would love some suggestions for decent loop routes. It'll be a solo trip so that I can recharge on my own, so I'd prefer setting up my tent to sleeping in a shared lean to.

I'm looking to do probably 20-ish miles over the course of the three day weekend, keeping in mind that I might have to start mid-late morning on Saturday rather than my normal 5/6am start. I'm not looking for a particularly intense trail or to climb a high peak, this trip is more about just getting out into nature for a couple of days and I'm even considering bringing my dog.

I'm also trying to strike a balance between isolation and decently marked trails. I would prefer as much time as possible without other hikers and campers for this particular trip, but I'm also not looking for a major bushwhack or the type of trail that you need to have the map and compass out every minute to make sure you're still on or near the trail.

I've been scouring the forum, and it seems like the most common suggestions for this type of loop are West Canada, Pharoah Lakes, Seward Loop or Ha-De-Ron-Dah. Anyone have votes for one of these over the others? Or perhaps other, less obvious suggestions (PMs welcome!). Any major trail issues I should be aware of at the moment?

Your thoughts and advice are much appreciated!

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