jeudi 6 octobre 2016

Morik's training log

I want to track my progress. I think I'll do so better if I keep an online log, so here goes.

I recently swapped up my schedule from training (traditional) Jiu Jitsu 2x/week + 1 weight training day.

Now instead I'm planning on doing:

Judo 2x/week (2hr each)
jiu jitsu 2x/week (1hr each)
Weight training 3x/2 weeks. (Still getting this set up, should start within the next few weeks.)

So that's only 1-2 rest days per week. I'll have to see if this is too much.

Without further ado...

10/5/16, attended first judo class (trial/free lesson).

Quickly went over various falls. I already know them from Jiu Jitsu, just need to learn a slight modification on the forward roll, to end in 3-point fall instead of tucking legs and getting up from it.

Was taught a new throw I didn't know (they said the name but I can't remember, and they didn't seem to stress learning the name). Some sort of forward throw after trapping one of their arms with your bicep.

Did a few randori rounds. No one threw me during this--they said they wanted me to get a feel for my balance & my opponents balance as we move. I need to work on staying loose during this.
I did get to throw my opponents a few times (they told me to go ahead and try to throw them even though they weren't going to throw me), and got good instruction on corrections/etc.
Did the leg sweep I know from JJ, the hip throw I learned in JJ, and the forward throw I learned earlier tonight a few times each.

I think I made my tailbone a bit worse though. Current injuries/issues:
- Very minor pulled/strained muscle in my shoulder (from 10/4 JJ I think), only noticed it while stick rolling my calves. Took a quick 15 minute massage and the masseuse said she didn't want to go too deep on the shoulder because it wasn't releasing or something like that, and that I probably have a minor pull/strain. Didn't have any issues with it at judo on 10/5.

- left thumb got forcibly extended backwards at JJ on 10/1. Have full mobility back in it but still a bit sore. (Its always sore though since an injury a few years ago while wrestling in an MMA class. Got cortisone a year or so ago, got full mobility & function back in it but a few things make it feel sore).

- Right thumb also forcibly extended backwards at JJ on 10/1. We were working untrained-knife-attacker defenses (against a knife attacker who knows what he is doing we were told to just always run/do what they want as there isn't really any way to stop them empty handed). I was grabbing for control of a limb incorrectly and got my thumb hit pretty hard and bent backwards. I had injured this thumb a month or so ago in the same fashion (falling with my ~290lb weight against a wall while doing some parkour like thing, bending my thumb back, had mostly healed before I re-injured it here). Still swollen, don't have full range of motion, certain movements hurt a good bit. Pretty sure the bone is fine though, since most movements don't hurt at all.

- bruised my tailbone (as far as I can tell) pretty good on 10/4 at JJ. It was exacerbated by the judo on 10/5 and last night I felt pretty beat up. Its feeling a lot better this morning (about where it was yesterday morning before I did judo).

- something is wrong with the achilles tendon on my right foot. Pretty minor, its been having trouble for about 2 weeks now (pain with certain movements), has been getting better.

Considering taking today as a rest day instead of going to JJ tonight... have been catching only 6-7 hours of sleep last few days. That said, my energy levels are still high, I don't feel tired/worn out today. Just my body seems to be getting more and more beat up.
I'm away from home for the next few days anyway so will have a few days to rest regardless... we'll see.

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