samedi 1 octobre 2016

My weekly training, questions


So I recently started the below schedule. I have some questions about whether I should switch out some stuff.

1 hour (not Brazilian) Jiu Jitsu class (good cardio & general workout): M, Tu, Th, Sa
Other Jiu Jitsu activity ~45 min: Sa (after class, sometimes sparring, sometimes other stuff)

1 hour ground-focused Jiu Jitsu class (different kind of cardio, some free rolling, mostly bjj & wrestling techniques, we do also learn some strikes from various ground positions): Every other Weds (class only runs once every 2 weeks).

So rest days are Fri, Su, and every other Weds.

My current goals:
- Learn more Jiu Jitsu (cause its fun)
- Lose weight (I'm ~300 lbs, but fairly athletic for my size). (I think this is mostly going to be based on what I eat; have been working on my diet.)
- General health & cardiovascular ability, maintain strength/get stronger.

I'm already pretty strong, but do enjoy weightlifting...

- Would it be ok to also add a gym day (strength/explosive power focus) on Fridays or Sundays? (So down to alternating between 1 & 2 rest days per week instead of 2-3 per week.)
- Would it be better to replace one of the Jiu Jitsu days with a strength day instead?
- Do I even need a gym day?
- I'm busy the other half of the Wednesdays, so can't fit anything in there

What I don't want to happen is that I steadily lose weight and then also end up losing some strength since I never go to the gym. But maybe all the padwork & grappling at jiu jitsu will be enough to keep my muscles in shape?

Some stats on me in case its relevant:
Age: 34
Weight: 285 (down from 315 earlier this year, have been working on good nutrition and have been steadily losing weight)
No major health issues.
I try for at least 7 hours of sleep, often get 7.5-8.5. Occasionally get more like 5.5-6, but I'm trying to really stop doing that as I do notice a big difference in my productivity at work on those days.

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