samedi 8 octobre 2016

Seem to have plateaued in weight cut

Hey guys just looking for some general advice really

About 8 weeks ago at 72KG (I'm 5 foot 6 male) I decided that I wanted to cut down some weight so that my abs become more visible, so I entered all my data into an online calculator that told me between 1800 - 2000 calories should see me lose weight. Over the 6 weeks the weight loss was going great as about 2 weeks ago I got down to 65.2 KG. The problem is that for the last 2 weeks I seem to be staying at or going a few pounds over this weight, I cant seem to cut anymore.

I'm still sticking to the same caloric deficit and still am doing the same exercise I was doing before to cut weight (Muay Thai, BJJ and Wrestling) but my weight doesn't seem to want to budge.

Any advice that would see me break through this plateau? I feel like another 2 Kg off and my abs would be perfectly visible.

Many thanks in advance and sorry for the life story.

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