mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Get a real Sak Yant in Bangkok

Just wanted to pass on some information, as I spent ages trying to find somewhere decent to get a Yant done before my holiday in Thailand and found it so difficult..

I wanted the real deal not just something similar from a tattoo parlour in Phuket. Finally after allot of searching I found someone who could fix me up.

So if you’re planning a trip to bkk and want a real Yant done by a monk who studied Sak Yant then please have a look at this webpage. The process involves a British guide who collects you from you hotel and acts the interpreter. He ensures the complete experience is magical but he’s not just after a quick buck he wants the whole thing to be special for you. Not only will you receive a Yant of your choice you also get the special blessing and lots of photos to remember the occasion.

I personally found this whole experience made my holiday and could honestly say it’s worth the flight just to get this alone done.

Anyway have a read of this website especially the testimonials.

I have nothing to gain from writing purely wanted to pass on the word nothing more..


If you have any question then feel free to pm me.

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