lundi 19 janvier 2015

Thai government to standardize Muay Thai curriculum

"I learned that there's actually an initiative by the Thai government to do for Muay Thai what the Korean government did for Taekwondo in the '90s. They're modeling it heavily off Korean efforts to spread Taekwondo internationally and are now working to develop a standardized curriculum in Muay Thai. It's being tested in a few provinces in Isaan with the hopes of developing specific marks of achievement in the sport and growing interest among youth. The long-term outcomes would be a more standardized format for learning and becoming certified in Muay Thai (much like earning belts in sports such as Taekwondo or karate) and an eventual spread of this curriculum to places like Australia, Europe, and North America."

From this interview:

I'm sort of torn on this. While government efforts have clearly had an effect on the popularity of Taekwondo, and I'm generally on board with standardizing a curriculum, I'm concerned that Muay Thai might take on a more artificial, less organic "feel". Then again, I've only studied it peripherally. What are your thoughts?

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