mardi 12 juillet 2016

Low's - Bog River Flow Question


Just finished a three day kayak camping trip on Blue Mountain Lake, Eagle, and Utowana, and already getting excited for my next trip in August that a friend from California is flying in for. I've previously done trips to Long Pond, Follensby Clear, Middle Saranac, Little Tupper, Oswegotchie to High Falls, and Long Lake to Crusher.

My friend is looking for a "remote" or "isolated" area for a three day, two night trip, and I'm thinking of either Lake Lila or Low's, with a preference for the latter. The only problem is that we are planning a Saturday - Monday trip, and he's flying into Rochester at 9AM on a Saturday, meaning the earliest we can get up to the North Country and on the water would be 3PM on a Saturday. Would all the campsites on Low's or Lila be taken by this time? Do we even stand a chance for a weekend in August? I've only ever done Sunday - Tuesday trips, so this is a new wrinkle for me. One alternative I've thought about is Little Tupper -- either Rock Pond or Round Lake. I understand Round Lake doesn't see too much use.

Much thanks,


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