lundi 18 juillet 2016

War, Inc.

It's a satire against the American defense contractor industry so I thought, given the status of the world and the US election going on right now, that it could be a very interesting and entertaining movie. Nope.

It stars John Cusack and his sister and Marisa Tomei and Hillary Duff in the main roles, with several other stars filling it out, so you'd think it'd be great. And their acting was just fine all around. I was particularly impressed with Ben Kingsley's brief performance in a wheelchair. The dude is paralyzed in a wheelchair, but yet he steals the scene! That was amazing!

Basically, John Cusack is an assassin working for a private company that effectively owns and controls the US Government and is itself the reason behind all the warring in the Middle East. This private company is not only in the business of war, but it also owns all of the sorts of construction and power companies that one needs to rebuild a country from the ground up. So, after bombing a nation into rubble for a profit, the same company then rebuilds it for a profit. But, as the opening scene informs the viewer, sometimes this company has to get something done in a day, so it keeps an assassin on the payroll.

Like I said, it's a satire against the industry of the United States' defense contractors, and I don't mind that at all, but unfortunately the movie itself is very dull. It just didn't work. Something was missing. The humor that "Naked Gun" had, as an example, just wasn't here. It fell flat over and over and over again to the point where I was asking myself, "Self, why are you watching this boring movie?" :(

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