lundi 31 mars 2014

Wanderlei vs Sonnen is going to be the BEST TUF / Fight ever

Video: Backpacking Trip Gear Load Out

I recently put together my first video and chose to do my gear load out for the NPT. This is what I will be carrying from Wakely to Placid for 4.5 days near the end of May. This is our last section to do and we are really excited to get out there and finish up the last 65 miles of this trail. The base weight for this load is about 13.5 pounds with another 10 or so pounds of food, fuel and water to be added on (I may do a food video later).

Your load out may be different, this is just what I choose to bring along on my journey.

Thanks for watching.

Cool Pattern

Found a cool leech pattern and did some tinkering with it. getting close to how i want it. its tied with a short shank streamer hook and a longer tail. possibility of short strikes but wow does it look cool in the water. tried it with and without the red plummeting tungsten. gave it a try on a recent trip to champlain area, nothing hit it but im going to give it a shot in the ponds this year, assuming there are still ponds in the daks. all i see is ice!

Attached Images

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LOST: Ball cap

Long shot but I lost a ball cap somewhere near the parking area for three flows (cascade lakes). Had a molon labe Velcro patch on the front. It'd be great if it was found!!

Wood Canvas Canoe

I have a beautiful wood canvas canoe for sale. I was able to track it to the Peterborough Canoe Co. in Ontario and it was built in the late 1950s. I bought it over a decade ago from a gentleman who had it for many years and took great care of it. It has been stored under cover throughout my ownership. I love this boat and hate to part with it but I don't use it as it is too heavy for my wife and I. As much as I'd like to see it stay on the water, it's perfect for a rustic home as well. I'm asking $2,000 but will entertain serious offers.

Attached Images

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Tourist question - byways

Hello to all, first post here.

Considering a flight to Albany for vacation July 12-20, First part would be Adirondack byways for self driving tour and nice B&B stay for 3-4 days. Wife likes to shop the unusual and interesting small shops of arts/crafts/etc. I like outdoors and playing music. We would consider very short observation type hikes, possibly short paddles, as we're 56yrs, average shape, just hit the high sightseeing points of the areas.

Then back to Albany midweek and down to Catskills for 3-4 more B&B days, I'll go to Grey Fox music fest for 2 day trips, while wifey shops and drives the area. I hope to get in some good bluegrass jamming somewhere on this trip. Bringing mandolin.

My main question is are the byways and travel routes choked up with motorcycles and/or RV's and such like in Yellowstone and other super popular summer areas? (Of course we could contribute to that as well with our touristy rental car driving, LOL)

Any flies/knats/mosquito problems in days/evenings during mid July?

Never been to this area, all is new to us. We are reconning everything quickly as we should be booking soon.

Thanks much, regards to the forum.


2014 Pond Ice-Out Predictions

So here we sit patiently waiting for winter to abate its icy grip and allow us to fish. There is currently 30" of ice on Putnam Pond, which is my indicator as to when everything else will open up. From this I assume nobody has an open pond to go to tomorrow morning.

My solution is to lengthen March to 63 days. This might allow us to be fishing by mid April. Otherwise, my guess is the 2nd week of May.

So what are your best guesses and why???

Looking for a good campground for a trailer

My family has camped for years at Eighth Lake Campground outside Inlet, NY but want to see what else ADK can offer our young family. We have checked out some other places (Lewey Lake, Indian Lake, Limekiln) but they were too small for our 30 foot 5th wheel camper.

Does anyone have any recommendations ? We're looking for a State Park with close access to a lake. We have 3 young kids. The most important thing to us is being able to fit our 30 foot camper on a level, shaded site.

We're considering Golden Beach but wanted to see if anyone else had any info.

Thanks in advance !!

Fishing rods in pack canoes when carrying

Curious what Hornbeck or other pack canoe owners use to transport their fragile graphite fishing rods on the trail, of course along with the paddle. Specifically for Horneck, the supplied rope? Bungees or velcro straps? Do you protect the rod in a case before strapping in?

cold river

has anyone been down the cold river from duck hole. how much of it can be paddled?

Icefields training log

Might as well start another Log here and see if I can actually keep it up to date.

These days im basically a powerlifter come grappler, I attend a very good local powerlifting gym once or twice a week. I no longer train at my MMA gym of choice, Leicester shootfighters due to distance and work commitments, but I do attend a local MMA gym which whilst nowhere near as good is very cheap and convenient: In addition to a ring, matte area cardio machines and fixed weights it , has a power rack, OL bars and tons of weights and I have a key for it. I still miss the hard competition there was at LSF so in addition to attending 2 MMA classes at the said gym I also attend a very good local judo club (with a few black belts, and a number of coloured belts) and also still train with my kung fu coach once a week for some clinch/sticking hands sparring.


Kung fu class, finally made it down after several weeks off due to family issues and holiday, started with a light warm up then partner work, working against straight punches working reaction, closing off the centre and off balancing them with close range hung gar work. Added in sort hung gar hooks uppercuts and straight, working on using the body to throw the shots, keeping the arms from fully extending so you have some extension left if you need it, and have more cover at close range. Then went over the difference between rolling for the sake of it, and striking and clearing the line when its covered to continue to strike using lung ying principles and strikes.

Then worked some close range sticking/clinch work starting off using hung gar tiger claws and moving into controlling the arms and body, using a slightly wider and less staggered stance which makes leg attacks harder.

Then went through one of the hung gar pillar forms, one of the broad sword sets, and then some sword on sword sticking and movement work.

Followed this with some line work, CLF long arm stuff up and down the hall first, followed by bak mei line work working on breathing, sinking and spitting.

Then did several more rounds of sticking/clinch work with strikes, more free flowing than the clinch work at the start: working on arm drags, duck unders, single and double leg attacks and controlling the neck (single and double neck ties) whilst mixing in knee and low kicks, sweeps and body shots

Finished with some pad work, working lung ying sinking and raising hammer fist strikes, and warmed down with some wing chun chi sao rolling drills.

Later on did 15 minute Yoga with my girlfriend

Kacem seminar in Austin, TX - 2014 August

Hello all,

Kacem is returning to Austin, TX, for a seminar on August 16th and 17th of 2014. Following is the seminar's information:

Dates: August 16 - 17, 2014

Times: 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm (both days)

Theme: to be determined

Location: to be determined

Fee: $125 per day

Payment Type: Cash, check, or money order

Maximum Participants (excluding Kacem): 8

Checks and money orders must be received no later than August 11th to ensure that the payment clears prior to the start of the seminar. Also, please don't send cash in the mail.

You can see the seminar information at:

Please contact me if you are interested in attending.

-Samuel Zavaletta

dimanche 30 mars 2014

Looking for a used radisson

If you guys know anyone selling on, or are looking to upgrade to kevlar this year please send me a private message. Thanks

Radisson wanted

Please private message me. Thanks

New York Outdoors

Hey all,

I am starting a youtube channel that deals with everything outdoors in the good old state of NY. It is a work in progress at the moment and hope it will get some views. I will be getting a video editor and make some nice videos for everyone to enjoy. And of course there will be the blooper section for a good laugh for everyone to enjoy. I am open to comments on ideas to make this better. I love to fish and will be making a lot of videos on that, however I camp, hunt and hike just as much. I will use it to test gear, give my opinion, and give tips and tricks towards things from fishing techniques, camping spots and more. I will show basics that I have learned from years of outdoor adventures and try to not let my degree in Outdoor Recreation from Paul Smiths go to waste. I just got an outdoor action camera yesterday. Please help me get some views and I hope down the road I can make this into something special.


Ryan Ball

MA podcasts

Currently listen to below. If you listen to others please add.

First-Aid Kit Challlenge

I enjoy spending time thinking about how to lighten my pack, how gear can work together, and what I can leave behind when venturing into the wilderness so things are simpler and I can see more, more comfortably. One thing I always am reluctant to shave weight from though is my first-aid kit. It's one of those things you never want to use but if your in a tight spot would want it there. So here is the challenge. If you could only bring 5 things in your first-aid kit what would they be?

I came up with:

1. Anti-bacterial creme

2. Band-aids

3. Ibuprofen

4. Athletic tape

5. Needle nose syringe to irrigate wounds

Style Allegiance

Do any of you feel some sort of extreme loyalty or allegiance to your style of choice? If so, I'm interested in knowing why.

A lot of times this feeling of loyalty seems to fog up the reality of actual fighting, producing style vs. style or "this is why my style is better" type points. I can kind of understand the mentality because I sort of felt that way over Isshinryu Karate when I was 16, but I grew out of it pretty quickly in pursuit of more intense training where I found MMA. I've got minimal experience (a years worth) of MMA focused heavily on ground fighting with some wrestling, a year and some change in boxing, I've done even less Judo, and of course I've trained and implemented training in modern military tactics/weaponry (I consider this a MA, but I consider any form of fighting a MA). I don't understand the deep feelings of loyalty some people have that causes them to cast aside research or experience in forms of fighting that their particular MA doesn't train specifically, and how they may be beneficial.

It's kind of like a "groupthink" occurs. If you have these sort of feelings, why do you have them? If you've noticed this in others, feel free to postulate why. I'm not starting this thread to flame or belittle anyone, as this mindset can be found in everything from the Boxing and MMA gym to your traditional Karate and TKD gym. Please keep any personal vendettas (or form your vendetta articulately, so it does not violate any ToS :p) out of any sort of reply. :p

Krav Maga/Bjj/Muay Thai

I have been toying with the idea of doing Krav maga on a Mon and then Bjj/M Thai on a Friday. I have done Krav before and enjoyed it. I have tried Bjj before but my lack of a background in this type of martial art left me thinking I have years ahead of me before I become any way proficient. Being an impatient type of character I can envisage months of frustration though I would love the sense of achievement that comes with attaining a belt in the Bjj. I'm 36, is it worth it?


Before I get into this, some thoughts

Hi, Im new to this part of the board so here's a background. Stereotypical TKD as a kid for a little while, did some self defense classes growing up as a teenager, got into the Bujinkan and stayed active in that for about six years, reached second kyu, done some boxing and wing chun as well. My sensei had to close his dojo, now looking to train with another teacher but in my last two months Ive been thinking of crosstraining into other styles, since I found a lot of other places that do martial arts near me.

I found this place is a 10 minute drive from my house:

Now I have to be brutally honest about some things. Despite being decent at striking, I own up to not really being a decent grappler. Im out of practice and my locks and throws are probably the weakest part of my martial skill set. I'm considering the BJJ since from my limited knowledge it has a lot of grappling and ground fighting, which I feel could help make me a more rounded fighter. Am I right with this information? It has a competative side as well, which I think could help me mat test what I know (or think I know) better.

Worth a shot? How well would it translate into my previous ninpo taijutsu training (since that's my core style)?

Had the 'god I suck' moment today

I think some martial artists have thee parts in their training, but since my senseis dojo has closed and Ive been looking to train elsewhere I have found something very odd. I can do the strikes, the sword, staff etc. but in about 2 months worth of time my brain and body seem to have forgotten how to secure a lock or deliver a throw. I say this because I decided to try some of them for the firs time today and realized I've gotten rusty. I'm hopefully resuming training this week with a new instructor but this has actually really made me reevaluate myself as a martial artist.

Has anyone else had moments like this? I dont very often have someone to throw to the ground these days so I'll probably need a lot of practice with this. How do you guys handle it if something like this happens? I'd assume practicing dilligently in the time you have?

Nothing but leaves!

After much in depth study I have found that trees cover a good portion of the Adirondacks. So are these "penetrating preachers" why people flock to the park or are they a coincidental convenience? Another pole made from a tree;

sport jerseys

what your view on people (all shapes, ages and careers ) wearing their favourite team jersey in public( shops, University, clubs) not only on time of game but anytime.

for me I believe you can wear anything you want. I wear my MMA team shirt in public, it is comfy, good looking and I love to represent my team. my friends outside gym think it is just weird and dumb unless your going to competition. but I still love to wear it.

what about you?

The New Padfone Infinity

The New Padfone Infinity when launch in malaysia ?

Adding an 'X vs Y' section.

I was thinking. I have asked a lot of questions in regard to X vs Y (style vs style and one fighter vs fighter thread). These seem to come up a lot on this site. Why not make an official X vs Y section, possibly having it be a subsection in the 'Questions and Answers' Section? Also, why not put a sticky about the common objections for this kind of thinking, and the virtues?

Wing chun training partner in Hong Kong


I just moved to HK, have been learning wing chun for a few years,but I am starting from scratch out here. Would really like a training partner/partners. Basically a friendly group to practice basic techniques & drills, pad work& also do a bit of chi sau. if this sounds fun, or u know of a group already in existence please message me.i would be aiming to practice on the weekend (Preferably Saturday morning).i'm not looking for a class.this is supplementary training. It also doesn't matter your lineage, I am open to learning & helping everyone (no masked profanity, no politics, just training).



On the Subject of Shindenfudo Ryu, Ryuha and Transmission of Schools

A Japanese guy who trains at the Honbu wrote this with regards to Shindenfudo Ryu.




In the past most Ryuha of fighting arts contained all of the Bugei Juhappan. With regards to Shindenfudo Ryu Taijutsu, as Taijutsu is the main element a student would first undergo Shūgyō in it over a long period before moving on to Kenjutsu or Bojutsu and so on. In the past it was always so.

ですから、柳生新陰流剣術や馬庭念流剣術等は、剣術→棒術→柔術等の順で修行している又は、修行していたよ うです。


Therefore Shūgyō in Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Kenjutsu and Maniwanen Ryu Kenjutsu and so on were studied in a Kenjutsu剣術→Bojutsu棒術→Jujutsu柔術 order. As to the question of why Shinden Fudo Ryu Kenjutsu and so on no longer exist, the answer is that the transmission was lost.

昔は、かなりの秘密主義で入門も試験のようなものがあり、なかなか技を教えてもらえなかったそうですし、何 年も修行して、そこそこの段階に到達して、はじめて各武器術を教えてもらえたようです。

In the past things were guarded quite closely. To even enter the school was like a test. Waza were not taught freely. Multiple years of training were required to gradually reach a level where weapons were first taught.

そんなこんなで宗家や師範が年老いて亡くなってしまったり、明治維新で武士の二本差しが禁じられた事で修行 者が減ってしまったり、第二次世界大戦で宗家や師範が召集されて戦死してしまったケースがある と聞きます。

As it happened the Soke and Shihan were often elderly and died. In the Meiji Isihn when Bushi were no longer allowed to wear two swords on their belt, those seeking to do Shūgyō dropped off dramatically. Also during the Second World War, Soke and Shihan of various schools were drafted and subsequently died in battle, or so I’ve heard.

例、鐘巻流抜刀術(いあいじゅつ)は、鐘巻自斎を始祖として剣術をメインの総合武術として伝わっていたが、 第二次世界大戦で宗家が戦死した為、居合のみが現在伝承されています。

For example, Kanamaki Ryu Batto Jutsu (Iai). Kanamaki Jizai was the founder and placed Kenjutsu as the principal element of his school, though it encompassed all of Bujutsu. After the Second world war as the Soke had died in battle, all that remained was the Iai portion of the school.

又、江戸時代から昭和初期にかけて時の宗家や枝別れした流派の宗家が自分の流派に箔を付けようと始祖を捏造 しているケースもありますので、始祖が本当か否かは、あまり拘らない方が良いと思います。又、幕末の開国よ り海外の格闘技(ボクシングやレスリング等)が入って来たりしている為、それらの動きを取り入れたり、その 対策の技を開発したところもあるみたいです。先生に教わった事をしっかり修行していれば、自ずと身に付いて いざというとき身を助けてくれるでしょう。

Further, from the Edo Era through the early Showa Era, there are examples of Soke that had lost their Soke and Waza began to add things to their Ryuha and otherwise fiddle with the lineages, if not falsify them. It seems then that getting caught up in weather a certain founder existed or not is not really worth your time. Further, at the end of the Bakufu Era, when Japan had just opened to outside world, foreign fighting styles (boxing and wrestling and so forth) came into the country. Seeing that movement apparently teachers began to both incorporate it into their techniques while they formed Taisaku, or counters, to combat it.

If you study diligently under your teacher, it will become infused into your body and will serve to protect you.



Happy Birthday GaryWado

Happy Birthday sir.

samedi 29 mars 2014

Does a little Judo help or confuse kids learning BJJ ?

I've had a little look in the forum and I haven't seen a similar question ! My daughter has been doing BJJ for about a year now ( just turned 8 ) and she absolutely loves it , She goes to BJJ twice a week ( there is two kids classes a week ) She has recently taken part in a competition and It looks like competing in comps is something she REALLY wants to do ! I was wondering would going to a Judo class ONCE a week benefit it her for the standup or would doing the both just confuse her ?

grapping/punching weights workout

has any got a good weight training routine for both grappling, throwing arts and punching arts I could do in one workout? I have a some dumbbells and incline bench thanks

Fishmas Eve in Saratoga

Trout Unlimited is having a "Fishmas Eve" get together at the Parting Glass in Saratoga Springs Monday evening. Not sure if membership is a prerequesite or not. There is a suggested donation of $10 to benefit TU's stream conservation and habitat restoration work. My invite doesn't specify the program, it simply says appetizers, demos, raffles, and of course, fishing stories.

Sensei William Coyle (Koyo) Memorial Seminar 2014

Makotokai Aikido Riai are holding a memorial seminar for Sensei Coyle on 18th May , 2-5pm. The venue is:

Hillington Park Gym

Earl Haig Rd


The focus will be on Aikido principles as taught by Sensei Coyle, which an application for all arts.

All Welcome.

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Short Horror Stories

I'm wondering if anyone has any good short horror stories. Like 3 or 4 sentences long?

I have one but I can't remember if it's unintentionally plagiarised or not:

You know when you see something, just for a second, in the corner of your eye. Something that should definitely not be there but you dismiss it as a delusion, the limits of your field of vision, your eyes playing tricks.

What if for that split second, what you really saw was a break in the veil of reality.

And what if, in that split second, something slipped through.

Springhill Ponds?

Am planning atrip into Springhill Ponds May 3rd. I just hiked in the check the trail but would like to know if anyone has ever fished it? Is there a depth map anywheres?

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Latest GSP Documentary!

Here it is in full. It's well worth a watch.

Officially Awesome

Always nice to see martial arts in the news and this young lady deserves her moment of fame.

1000 tiles broken in 84 seconds.

Those of you who've broken tiles know piles of 10 isn't that hard in isolation, but when you get the view up the hall and see the enormity of her task it puts this world record attempt into perspective.

I was impressed with her double hand technique too.

vendredi 28 mars 2014

WHY is Brazilian JiuJitsu better than Japanese JuJitsu on the ground?

Brazilian JiuJitsu seems to often be thought of as better on the ground then Japanese JuJitsu. These also correlates to an experience I had when going to a BJJ dojo after getting my blue belt in JJJ. I was on par with the white belt on the ground, but when I faced a blue belt he was getting armbars all day. I couldn't touch the other person who I sparred with who was a higher belt.

I am wondering why BJJ is (at least, it seems, in a lot of cases) better than JJJ at the ground. It is understandable that a part of that has to do with the fact that they spend a LOT of time on the ground (VS working on strikes, locks/yawara... everything else). I doubt this is the only factor though...

The thing I trying to make sense of is why they would be better if JJJ and BJJ has the same moves. Has BJJ refined those moves more? Do they have better strategies and better overall gameplan to help those moves do better? Do they have more moves? (The butterfly guard and S-mount are a couple of exclusive positions, but is there enough new moves to base their victories on this alone? I find it unlikely especially when you see a lot of MMA matches end with a simple triangle-choke, rear naked choke, or armbar).

So, what are your thoughts?

By the way this makes me think of wrestling. Why does one wrestling club do way better then other clubs given the same moves? This can also be said of Judo school vs Judo school matches. It doesn't have to do with the moves. So I guess I am trying to extract the element that makes some better. (This isn't the same thing I am asking above, but I think that finding this answer is a link to the original question)

GPS Statistic Differences

I recently received a Garmin eTrex 20 for my birthday. I used it a few weeks ago to record a track of my hike up Lower Wolfjaw. I cleaned up the track (got rid of all the sqiggles where we stopped) and have been looking at the track in both the Garmin Basecamp software and Google Earth. I noticed that some of the stats the two programs give me for the hike are very different even though I'm using the same exact file in both (some stats do match up)

Below are some examples of what matches and what doesn't (E - Google Earth and B - Garmin Basecamp)

  • Time

    E - 10h 10m 34s

    B - 10h 10m 34s

  • Distance

    E - 9.4 miles

    B - 9.6 miles

  • Average speed

    E -0.9 mph

    B -0.9 mph

  • Max speed

    E - 3.6 mph

    B - 9 mph

  • Min elevation

    E - 1264 ft

    B - 1279 ft

  • Max elevation

    E - 4165 ft

    B - 4197 ft

  • Elevation gain

    E - 3263 ft

    B - 4228 ft

  • Elevation loss

    E - 3264 ft

    B - 4212 ft

Does anyone have any explanations as to why the data is so different? The only thing I could come up with was for the elevation discrepancies. I'm thinking maybe the Basecamp elevations are based on what my GPS recorded and the Google Earth elevations are based on the data/topo maps? In that case which is more accurate? And that doesn't explain the distance or max speed differences

Asthma vs Martial Arts

I post this mainly as inspiration for fellow asthma sufferers who might be thinking about taking up martial arts. This week I had my first asthma check up since starting thai boxing and FMA 6 months ago. I'm training roughly 4 hours per week, so I'm not exactly pro. The nurse and I were blown away by the changes in that 6 month period. Not only am I 22lbs lighter, BMI down from 25.4 to 22.6, but my peak lung flow (basically lung functionality) has gone from 620 (30 below the non-asthmatic average) to 690, the first time in my life I've registered above average lung function and the strongest recording the nurse could ever remember seeing. So score one for anaerobic exercise in beating asthma.

But contact sports are a double edged sword! Immediately following my check-up the GP sent me off to get my hand x-rayed as he suspects I've fractured my thumb in sparring. I'm hoping he's right, because if it's a sprain he wants to give me steroid injections in the thumb joint, which sounds less than fun! That's my fault though for not wrapping my hands properly. The respiratory benefits vastly outweigh any little injury.

Getting the Upperhand

I was thinking about the thread "Preemptive Strikes", and although not really along the same category, being in the "field", I have come to use (as well as observed others) distractionary tactics.

Be it a beverage thrown in the face, to a hard slap, distractions can set it up for a "power play" or "takedown".

A distraction can be done extremely fast without the concern fir power, (which other such methods can follow in split seconds)

On a rare observation, the distraction had actually "gave a alert and/or failed"

What say you?;

Another Martial Arts Master

Straight out of cringeville:

BIO from his website:

Tobey Leung, as an infant, experienced early conscious awakening and deep concern for humanity, and he attentively watched and learned from all people as he matured physically, mentally, emotionally, and foremost spiritually. Tobey’s main and unrelenting purpose in life is to serve and protect humanity, a promise that he voluntarily made to himself and God, when Tobey was only 8 years old. He learned eastern philosophy from wise martial arts masters and grandmasters, and was formally trained in the western sciences as a medical scientist in the neurosciences under the department of anatomy, and after graduating from Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Dr. Leung went on to residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Biomechanics and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine) within the Spaulding Rehab Hospital/Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School system.

Dr. Leung sub-specializes in sports medicine, occupational health, and interventional pain management. He developed an integrated theory in the behavioral sciencesduring the year 2000, is a criminal and personality profiler, in addition to being one of the world’s highest ranking martial artists – 10th degree Black Belt. Grandmaster Tobey Leung shares his broad and in-depth experiences, knowledge, and wisdom with others in the hopes of building world peace and unity one person at a time. Dr. Leung’s ultimate goal is to help make the world a safer and better place to live for all people, and he has great concern about protecting the next or future generations, i.e. your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Dr. Leung, even as a young child, tends to be an includer instead of excluder, and he whole-heartedly believes the world’s greatest resource is our children. He is also a strong believer in fair play and applies the universal concept of justice for all.

In Grandmaster Dr. Tobey Leung’s own words: “First of all, I am a human being. Second, I try to be a gentleman. Third, I am a physician and lifelong martial artist. Last of all, I am a pain management specialist, sports medicine specialist, occupational health specialist, neuromusculoskeletal medicine specialist, anatomist, neuroscientist, behavioral scientist, theorist (not terrorist), criminal profiler, personality profiler, ethicist, moral philosopher, historian, theologian, moral/spiritual mentor, certified close quarter combat reality-based self-defense instructor, grandmaster in Ninjutsu, top rank in Shaolin gungfu, and certified mixed martial arts conditioning coach. I believe some people, including physicians and martial artists, have these priorities reversed”.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Leung, including his childhood, philosophy, and experiences in more detail, feel free to visit him on Facebook and read his individual comments posted under each photo in the photo album: Profile of a Spiritual Warrior.

First grading

Okay, hi I'm new to this so yeah...

My first ever grading test is next Thursday and I'm super pumed

for it but I'm quite nervous. What can I do to prepare and practice on?

Also, what would I actually be doing in my grading?

Thanks xo

first tourney

In all the years I have been training I have never been in a competition. I was talked into a local point sparing tournament and have found that I really suck at this aspect of MA.

I find it most unnatural. point then stop! point then stop! I have found what has worked in other situations does not in competition. My instructor is training me in new combos, and strategy. I am asking for something outside of the box. Any input?

Wing chun vs. Karateka

I've been seeing a little wing chun bashing in this forum,s o I thought I'd post this bareknuckle wing chun vs karateka. The wing chun guy sort of dominates the karateka. I think wing chun would be a good system to learn.:evil:

Wooden canoe paddle carving

Paddle builders,

I'm not up to building a stripper yet but I thought I'd see how I like making a canoe paddle for starters. I've got a Rapidfire and have been using a double bladed paddle but want to give a single bladed paddle a try. I could always buy one but where is the fun in that! I know I may have to raise the seat for a single bladed paddle but I'm 6'5" with a really long torso so I'd like to give it a try with the low seat first.

I've got Canoe Paddles: A Complete Guide to Making Your Own by Graham Warren. I need to pick up a spokeshave but other than that I should be good to go except for one thing. I don't know what kind of wood to start with. I want to keep this simple, so no lamination. Cherry sounds great, white cedar sounds easy to work with but not very durable, ash sounds like it might be a little harder to work with. I was thinking either a beavertail or ottertail to start. I'm not expecting the first ones to be works of art but I like to be able to use them. How about some bias cut fiberglass around the end of a white cedar or cherry paddle to help it last longer?

I'd love to take the paddle carving class from Caleb Davis but I'm itching to start something now.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Blocking teh porns/"think of the children!"

So this is a thing in today's news


A UK industry regulator has called for the law to be changed to require pornography sites to carry out age checks before granting access.

Video-on-demand watchdog Atvod said the government must act to protect children from seeing graphic adult material.

This is following up from the new measures from the government where ISPs are required to block porn unless otherwise requested by their customers. I remember starting a thread on that one too and the response being mostly "meh, its just porn" but this is making me curious again about where people think government action should stop and parental responsibility begin. It also raises some issues I have with the whole "protect the children" reasoning which I'll get to in a minute.

Starting off though, I'm not a huge fan of these ideas of imposing restrictions, however minor, on entire populations to make up for shortfalls in parenting. Parents shouldn't be plopping their kids in front of a computer without supervision in the first place and that's for various reasons not just limited to the possibility of them finding xxx sites. Parental controls are a thing, and they're not a hard thing to use either. I also feel like the generation gap isn't there anymore. As the years go on we're getting more and more parents of young children being people who grew up around computers and the internet. Ignorance of technology is becoming less and less of a viable excuse for not using the measures already available. Hell you could fund adverts in tv for a month and plug the knowledge gaps. So that's my first problem. I don't like that parental problems are potentially effecting other people in order to protect their kids that frankly aren't anyone else's problem.

My second issue is that this is restrictions over what is essentially a moral issue. We can go back and forth over the issues of pornography and whether its demeaning for women etc etc etc but I can't remember ever seeing a study proving that. I'm not going to say a 6 year old should be watching hardcore vegetable action, but the idea this has to be done to "protect" children seems unfounded.

What also irks me somewhat is the idea that they need protecting in the first place. Kids are a very emotional topic for a lot of people but there is a huge tendency to forget the fact that they're individuals with their own thoughts, desires etc and not just an empty bubble. Our definition of "children" is also sweeping. Under 10 you probably shouldn't be watching porn. But from, say, 13 and up you're biologically hitting the point where you become interested in sex. I remember being curious about it younger than that and joking about it with female friends from like 11. The idea that a person going through puberty would want to look at porn doesn't seem frightening or wrong to me. It seems perfectly natural. Now, granted, there's varying degrees of porn and while I'd expect them to want to see the opposite sex naked they perhaps shouldn't have their first witnessing of sex be some bdsm dungeon thing but that's a niche area anyway.

I feel like this is linked in some way to how a segment of society trips over sex education. As a country we still have quite a conservative approach to the subject and, despite evidence showing otherwise, we're still quite resistant to teaching sex education sooner or teaching it in a more frank and realistic way where instead of trying to push people away from sex, it should be accepted that they're going to do it and prepare them as much as possible. The fact that there's resistance to that means I'm not too surprised that there's opposition to internet porn but I feel like they both stem from this unrealistic desire to keep our children innocent and pure until they're basically adults and that's just not how it works.

Edit: in addition to the last part, one of the arguments I heard in the last thread against porn viewng is that it presents an unrealistic view of sex. While I'd argue that depends what you watch, I've seen that linked in some cases to the idea that people in adult entertainment are having sex for money and entertainment, not for love. It ties in nicely to the sex education I received, which was only 6 odd years ago, which did really have an undercurrent of promoting the idea that you only have sex when you've been with someone for a really long time, you're in love and you're settled down. I'm very confident to say now that that's pretty much bollocks. There is a huge amount of sex being had that has less to do with love and more to do with fun and exploration. Maybe that has more to do with the age group I'm in, but that's the one that these kids we're protecting will be in at some point when they first start experiencing sex. To that end, I think promoting the idea that sex is an expression of love instead of just another human need that, while it can certainly be an important part of a loving relationship, is also something that really can be done just for fun, and more importantly getting away from the idea that there's anything wrong with that, is a problem. And its a problem I think the opposition of porn is linked to. There's valid concerns about how porn presents how sex is carried out, but I also feel like there's concerns among others that the issue with porn is it makes sex about something other than love. Personally, I'm cool with that.

That's all the thoughts I have on this so far, or at least the ones I can think of a coherent structure for, but I'm curious what others think. Both on the recommendation itself, and on the "to protect the children" reasoning.

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Edit 2: As a completely off-hand question, I've just re-read the article and noted the checks would be on credit cards. Does anyone actually still pay to see porn? There's a good sign you're out of touch right there if you think kids are paying for it

Guro Dan Inosanto - SILAT

Hello to All,

I have followed Guru Dan Inosanto's Filipino and Silat systems, for some time now. Recently, I learned that he has an 8 DVD set on Silat. The site isn't very informative on what's included in the set. I'm seeking guidance from anyone who may have purchased this set. I have most of his other instructional DVD's on Silat, including his appearances on the De Thouars videos.

What I've started to notice, lately, is that some of the newer DVDs are showing "more of the same". In other words, when I had purchased new instructional DVDs on Silat, hoping to find new content, moves, techniques, etc..., it just turned out to be a regurgitation of old stuff.

I am very excited about the 8 DVD set, wondering what new techniques I could probably learn, however it costs $300.

Basically, I don't want to pay $300 on an instructional DVD set, that presents material I already know.

Anyone have this set? If so, is it worth getting, if you're not a newbie?

Neck/Spinal Strain

Hopefully anyone reading this is familiar with my current injury history. If not, I received a TBI last year which I'm still recovering from, but I have also developed neck/upper back issues as well. I probably got some whiplash when I got knocked out that didn't become apparent until my head healed enough for me to start moving about.

I've been doing rehabilitative work with a PT on my neck/back and have regained mobility in my neck. A few months ago I couldn't even look over either shoulder. This has cleared up a lot of severe tension headaches I was having too. Unfortunately last week I started trying to do other types of exercises, and I did something pretty significant to my neck/upper back while doing some light deadlifts at home.

I had a lot of disorientation/vertigo the first few months of my injury, but I seem to be developing disorientation/vertigo again ever since I did the deadlifts. I'm having a hard time seeing if this may be a symptom of neck/back/spine issues, or if I am regressing in my condition with my head as I'm getting more migraines lately and a fuzzy feel in a portion of my head. I suspect that I may be getting disorientation/vertigo from my neck/back problems, and that this is causing my head to have a hard time. My neck/back creaks and pops and aches a lot more than usual and I'm slowly working myself back into stretching, working tension points, heating/icing, and eventually I'll move back into the PT exercises.

I have a meeting with a doctor coming Tuesday, but I would like to gather as much information as possible to consider when I discuss things with him. There are a couple of new-ish tension points on my neck that when I put pressure on them run up to a spot that feels like it's in my inner ear, so I really suspect this may be assisting in the disorientation/vertigo. Has anyone ever experienced a neck/spine/back issue that causes disorientation/vertigo at all? Not looking for answers here or anything, but just ideas on where I may be having problems. I didn't start getting the disorientation/vertigo (even with a migraine) until after I did the deadlifts, so I strongly suspect I may have a neck/spine issue that relates to it. Any input is appreciated.

US Tax policy on citizens abroad

A friend of mine brought this to my attention and suffice to say, I became a bit worried.

I was born in LA and moved to the Netherlands at the age of 4. I still have my American passport, even though it expired a few years ago. I have a Dutch passport as well, so I'm not even sure if I'm still a US citizen, but according to the article you don't even have to be in order for the IRS to drive a shaft up your behind.

I was wondering if this policy was still in effect and if someone couldn't tell me a bit more about it. I'm genuinely concerned about this, so I appreciate any input you could give me.

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big vs small

I want to check your view on small guys VS big guys in a fight who would win.

if the small guys had MA training, say guys my size and smaller. 168 cm, 66kg, not muscular, 6.4 inch wrist( I believe wrist size makes huge difference). about 8-12 inch arms, small hands. MA TRAining for about ( 1-2 years)


a guy like kevin gastelum shape and bigger but no MA experience. or with MA experience

who is most likely to win?

and how can I train in a way that prepares me for fighting big guy who might have fighting or non- fighting skills.

it might be the (SMALL MAN MENTALITY) cause every time I see a bigger guy , I imagine if I was in a fight with him who would win. and I visualize a fight in my head.

why is so much importance placed on a black belt?

I've wondered this for a while. I've been in the bujinkan 6 years and though I've dabbled in other stuff too I never got a dan grade in anything. These days it feels a bit more important to me since I want to feel I have achieved a sense of compentance in my style.

However, I've noticed some dans at seminars who dont practice some fundamentals I've had drilled into me and cant execute some weapon kata optimally, so what gives? Is a black belt that important for regulating quality or is it a fashion accessory to brag about?

There was a guy who trained with me a few years ago who was a black belt in about five styles... a 1st dan in each and then moved on to a new style. I can understand if the styles all have big differences and he wants to be a jack of all trades, but is belt collecting the answer to that? He studied things like kickboxing,judo, juijitsu, ninjutsu and karate. Some of those are not complete systems so I can understand learning others, but why not train in one or two complete systems and get a higher grade? Surely that would be better for developing all around as a martial artist?

Any thoughts? I'm considering branching into other styles after discovering theres a good 8 or 9 different styles nearby that are all within 30 minutes drive of my house and graduation coming up means I can probably start experimenting more in my evenings. I don't want to go down the route of 'Im a black belt in kung fu, tai chi, origami and 46 other dangerous sounding words' and not be a decent fighter. I've learnt a decent amount in the bujinkan, but I want something I can spar in frequently as well to keep conditioned.

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Fell in love with wing chun

I fell in love with wing chun. Watched some videos and loved it. That's the art I would love to train and mix with boxing when I graduate. There is only one place in Memphis that has Wing chun and the schedule they have is ultra convenient for me and they are really close by and not too expensive. Although they are more expensive than all the other arts over there.Which really made me want to train there. Only one problem. When I read the bottom of the Instructor profile, it said he has been training with Sifu Carroll since 2011. Which if I'm not mistaken means hes only been training for around 3 years. So I'm wondering if this place is even worth looking at, seeing that he hasn't even been training that long. He is still a student and he teaches at the place. He goes out of town to train. Do you guys think that someone can still be a good instructore when they've only been training since 2011. Something inside of me is telling me to check them out anyways. After all in 2 years he will be 5 years in wing chun, and Bruce lee only trained for about 5 years and he taught wing chun when he came to the US.

Should i run?

Hey guys.

As some of you may know or may not, im half way through my 200lb weight loss journey.(100lbs lost no drugs or surgery)

Quick recap I started at 420, and used a stationary bike to loose 70lbs, mma/boxing did the last 30 of the 100lbs.

Due to a lifting injury I have had to stop most forms of lifting and cardio as I managed to hurt my knee on a leg press, when I up 430lbs. Im not sure how I hurt my self as I weighed that much before so that's odd as heck.

So now im doing my BBT and a 20 minute yoga routine every morning. Rodney Yees beginner yoga. The energize workout is what im doing.

So far body weight is the only exercise that doe not hurt. Im getting lots of other benefits from yoga. I plan on moving on to a 53 minute power yoga dvd as soon as I meet some goals with the beginner one. Namely Full forward bends were my calves and hamstrings don't hurt, and be able to hold warrior 2 with less muscular pain and fatigue.

Now I know I need some cardio back in to the mix, as my weight loss has slowed down considerably.

I have a older ironman recumbent stationary that I used to ride but the seat is uncomfortable and I don't know if biking helps with cardio for fighting at all.

So seeing that at im 312.2 is running safe for me? I have never ran before.

Im still dealing with some mild knee pain from the leg press injury, how ever it is unlikely to go away till I drop weight. Its not hard or horrible pain but more annoying then anything else. I think I can manage it with pills.

So what do you guys think, stick with the bike for a while or just start running?

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New video with my teacher

My Sifu, Harinder Singh Sabharwal, in a new interview about JKD & Wing Chun - enjoy!

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