vendredi 28 mars 2014

why is so much importance placed on a black belt?

I've wondered this for a while. I've been in the bujinkan 6 years and though I've dabbled in other stuff too I never got a dan grade in anything. These days it feels a bit more important to me since I want to feel I have achieved a sense of compentance in my style.

However, I've noticed some dans at seminars who dont practice some fundamentals I've had drilled into me and cant execute some weapon kata optimally, so what gives? Is a black belt that important for regulating quality or is it a fashion accessory to brag about?

There was a guy who trained with me a few years ago who was a black belt in about five styles... a 1st dan in each and then moved on to a new style. I can understand if the styles all have big differences and he wants to be a jack of all trades, but is belt collecting the answer to that? He studied things like kickboxing,judo, juijitsu, ninjutsu and karate. Some of those are not complete systems so I can understand learning others, but why not train in one or two complete systems and get a higher grade? Surely that would be better for developing all around as a martial artist?

Any thoughts? I'm considering branching into other styles after discovering theres a good 8 or 9 different styles nearby that are all within 30 minutes drive of my house and graduation coming up means I can probably start experimenting more in my evenings. I don't want to go down the route of 'Im a black belt in kung fu, tai chi, origami and 46 other dangerous sounding words' and not be a decent fighter. I've learnt a decent amount in the bujinkan, but I want something I can spar in frequently as well to keep conditioned.

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