mercredi 26 mars 2014

LBC Ferage Vs Clegg EU Debate

Did anyone catch it??

Good debate and I personally tipped it in Nigel's favour, I would be interested in people opinions of it, side note I watched it via Youtube live and was sad at the amount of racist comments on there and this did detrate it a little. Trending on Twitter from 1003 people shows it was in Nigel Ferage's favour at 53%

Personally want out of the EU and agree with Nigel regarding a work permit system as we have with non EU citizens wanting to work in the UK as apposed to the open movement for all stance of the EU.

I am not anti Europe but I do believe Brussells have to much control of the UK Parliament and its laws and it is time for a reforendum.

Props to Nick Clegg and Nigel Ferage to having this debate avoided by the two main parties. both put it on the line.

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