dimanche 30 mars 2014

Style Allegiance

Do any of you feel some sort of extreme loyalty or allegiance to your style of choice? If so, I'm interested in knowing why.

A lot of times this feeling of loyalty seems to fog up the reality of actual fighting, producing style vs. style or "this is why my style is better" type points. I can kind of understand the mentality because I sort of felt that way over Isshinryu Karate when I was 16, but I grew out of it pretty quickly in pursuit of more intense training where I found MMA. I've got minimal experience (a years worth) of MMA focused heavily on ground fighting with some wrestling, a year and some change in boxing, I've done even less Judo, and of course I've trained and implemented training in modern military tactics/weaponry (I consider this a MA, but I consider any form of fighting a MA). I don't understand the deep feelings of loyalty some people have that causes them to cast aside research or experience in forms of fighting that their particular MA doesn't train specifically, and how they may be beneficial.

It's kind of like a "groupthink" occurs. If you have these sort of feelings, why do you have them? If you've noticed this in others, feel free to postulate why. I'm not starting this thread to flame or belittle anyone, as this mindset can be found in everything from the Boxing and MMA gym to your traditional Karate and TKD gym. Please keep any personal vendettas (or form your vendetta articulately, so it does not violate any ToS :p) out of any sort of reply. :p

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