jeudi 27 mars 2014

Should i run?

Hey guys.

As some of you may know or may not, im half way through my 200lb weight loss journey.(100lbs lost no drugs or surgery)

Quick recap I started at 420, and used a stationary bike to loose 70lbs, mma/boxing did the last 30 of the 100lbs.

Due to a lifting injury I have had to stop most forms of lifting and cardio as I managed to hurt my knee on a leg press, when I up 430lbs. Im not sure how I hurt my self as I weighed that much before so that's odd as heck.

So now im doing my BBT and a 20 minute yoga routine every morning. Rodney Yees beginner yoga. The energize workout is what im doing.

So far body weight is the only exercise that doe not hurt. Im getting lots of other benefits from yoga. I plan on moving on to a 53 minute power yoga dvd as soon as I meet some goals with the beginner one. Namely Full forward bends were my calves and hamstrings don't hurt, and be able to hold warrior 2 with less muscular pain and fatigue.

Now I know I need some cardio back in to the mix, as my weight loss has slowed down considerably.

I have a older ironman recumbent stationary that I used to ride but the seat is uncomfortable and I don't know if biking helps with cardio for fighting at all.

So seeing that at im 312.2 is running safe for me? I have never ran before.

Im still dealing with some mild knee pain from the leg press injury, how ever it is unlikely to go away till I drop weight. Its not hard or horrible pain but more annoying then anything else. I think I can manage it with pills.

So what do you guys think, stick with the bike for a while or just start running?

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