dimanche 30 mars 2014

On the Subject of Shindenfudo Ryu, Ryuha and Transmission of Schools

A Japanese guy who trains at the Honbu wrote this with regards to Shindenfudo Ryu.




In the past most Ryuha of fighting arts contained all of the Bugei Juhappan. With regards to Shindenfudo Ryu Taijutsu, as Taijutsu is the main element a student would first undergo Shūgyō in it over a long period before moving on to Kenjutsu or Bojutsu and so on. In the past it was always so.

ですから、柳生新陰流剣術や馬庭念流剣術等は、剣術→棒術→柔術等の順で修行している又は、修行していたよ うです。


Therefore Shūgyō in Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Kenjutsu and Maniwanen Ryu Kenjutsu and so on were studied in a Kenjutsu剣術→Bojutsu棒術→Jujutsu柔術 order. As to the question of why Shinden Fudo Ryu Kenjutsu and so on no longer exist, the answer is that the transmission was lost.

昔は、かなりの秘密主義で入門も試験のようなものがあり、なかなか技を教えてもらえなかったそうですし、何 年も修行して、そこそこの段階に到達して、はじめて各武器術を教えてもらえたようです。

In the past things were guarded quite closely. To even enter the school was like a test. Waza were not taught freely. Multiple years of training were required to gradually reach a level where weapons were first taught.

そんなこんなで宗家や師範が年老いて亡くなってしまったり、明治維新で武士の二本差しが禁じられた事で修行 者が減ってしまったり、第二次世界大戦で宗家や師範が召集されて戦死してしまったケースがある と聞きます。

As it happened the Soke and Shihan were often elderly and died. In the Meiji Isihn when Bushi were no longer allowed to wear two swords on their belt, those seeking to do Shūgyō dropped off dramatically. Also during the Second World War, Soke and Shihan of various schools were drafted and subsequently died in battle, or so I’ve heard.

例、鐘巻流抜刀術(いあいじゅつ)は、鐘巻自斎を始祖として剣術をメインの総合武術として伝わっていたが、 第二次世界大戦で宗家が戦死した為、居合のみが現在伝承されています。

For example, Kanamaki Ryu Batto Jutsu (Iai). Kanamaki Jizai was the founder and placed Kenjutsu as the principal element of his school, though it encompassed all of Bujutsu. After the Second world war as the Soke had died in battle, all that remained was the Iai portion of the school.

又、江戸時代から昭和初期にかけて時の宗家や枝別れした流派の宗家が自分の流派に箔を付けようと始祖を捏造 しているケースもありますので、始祖が本当か否かは、あまり拘らない方が良いと思います。又、幕末の開国よ り海外の格闘技(ボクシングやレスリング等)が入って来たりしている為、それらの動きを取り入れたり、その 対策の技を開発したところもあるみたいです。先生に教わった事をしっかり修行していれば、自ずと身に付いて いざというとき身を助けてくれるでしょう。

Further, from the Edo Era through the early Showa Era, there are examples of Soke that had lost their Soke and Waza began to add things to their Ryuha and otherwise fiddle with the lineages, if not falsify them. It seems then that getting caught up in weather a certain founder existed or not is not really worth your time. Further, at the end of the Bakufu Era, when Japan had just opened to outside world, foreign fighting styles (boxing and wrestling and so forth) came into the country. Seeing that movement apparently teachers began to both incorporate it into their techniques while they formed Taisaku, or counters, to combat it.

If you study diligently under your teacher, it will become infused into your body and will serve to protect you.



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