vendredi 28 mars 2014

Another Martial Arts Master

Straight out of cringeville:

BIO from his website:

Tobey Leung, as an infant, experienced early conscious awakening and deep concern for humanity, and he attentively watched and learned from all people as he matured physically, mentally, emotionally, and foremost spiritually. Tobey’s main and unrelenting purpose in life is to serve and protect humanity, a promise that he voluntarily made to himself and God, when Tobey was only 8 years old. He learned eastern philosophy from wise martial arts masters and grandmasters, and was formally trained in the western sciences as a medical scientist in the neurosciences under the department of anatomy, and after graduating from Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Dr. Leung went on to residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Biomechanics and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine) within the Spaulding Rehab Hospital/Mass General Hospital/Harvard Medical School system.

Dr. Leung sub-specializes in sports medicine, occupational health, and interventional pain management. He developed an integrated theory in the behavioral sciencesduring the year 2000, is a criminal and personality profiler, in addition to being one of the world’s highest ranking martial artists – 10th degree Black Belt. Grandmaster Tobey Leung shares his broad and in-depth experiences, knowledge, and wisdom with others in the hopes of building world peace and unity one person at a time. Dr. Leung’s ultimate goal is to help make the world a safer and better place to live for all people, and he has great concern about protecting the next or future generations, i.e. your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Dr. Leung, even as a young child, tends to be an includer instead of excluder, and he whole-heartedly believes the world’s greatest resource is our children. He is also a strong believer in fair play and applies the universal concept of justice for all.

In Grandmaster Dr. Tobey Leung’s own words: “First of all, I am a human being. Second, I try to be a gentleman. Third, I am a physician and lifelong martial artist. Last of all, I am a pain management specialist, sports medicine specialist, occupational health specialist, neuromusculoskeletal medicine specialist, anatomist, neuroscientist, behavioral scientist, theorist (not terrorist), criminal profiler, personality profiler, ethicist, moral philosopher, historian, theologian, moral/spiritual mentor, certified close quarter combat reality-based self-defense instructor, grandmaster in Ninjutsu, top rank in Shaolin gungfu, and certified mixed martial arts conditioning coach. I believe some people, including physicians and martial artists, have these priorities reversed”.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Leung, including his childhood, philosophy, and experiences in more detail, feel free to visit him on Facebook and read his individual comments posted under each photo in the photo album: Profile of a Spiritual Warrior.

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