mardi 29 avril 2014

Double Wrists Control

What will you do if your opponent just moves in and uses his

- left hand to grab on your right wrist from outside in (this can prevent your from punching him with your right arm),

- right hand to grab on your left wrist from outside in (this can prevent your from punching him with your left arm),

- leading leg to jam your leading leg (this can prevent your from kicking him with your leading leg)?

When this happens to you, you want to break away his grips, because you want to rotate your arms to against his thumb instead of his 4 fingers, your

- right arm can only rotate counter-clockwise,

- left arm can only rotate clockwise,

When you do that, your "front door" will completely open for his attack. This is a very aggressive strategy. Your opponent just moves in and takes away your striking ability (right punch, left punch, leading leg kick) and force you to play his grappling game no matter you like it or not. What will be your reaction?

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