samedi 26 avril 2014

tournament day

So today i sparred in my first real tournament. I was really not excited like I thought I would be. It was cool to be there support8ng the rest of my team and all, I was even excited for them. Even when I was scorinv my points I never felt any diffrent than any other day at the gym. I took 2 good shots from 2 MT guys, and already have a black eye. Even then it was no diffrent. I did not even care if I was winning or loosing. I took first place in my division.

Congrats all around blah blah blah. Its cool that I won 1st and all but i dont feel like I won. I dont really feel any diffrent than any other day at the gym.

I trained hard for today, so as not to blow out the nose of my opponet, but feel no reward no personal satisfaction. When I see my team win at their events I get super excited for them.

Do any of you feel this way when you compete?

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