lundi 28 avril 2014

E-musha shugyo

I'm learning a lot from people's constructive comments and am convinced that a big issue with the buj outside Japan is people failing to get feedback for one reason or another. So I'm wondering if it's possible to crowd source technique refinement

So here's a proposal...

If anyone requests a form from one of the ryuha I will do my best to show the basic version as I understand it. Mappers will provide useful constructive feedback. I'll then try to incorporate this and post up a (hopefully improved) version the following week

Hopefully we can all learn and improve as a result

I suggest that the forms are limited to those described in soke's books as I feel that the ones that have been excluded are excluded for a reason

What do you think?

Class starts in 1/2 hour if anyone wants to kick it off...

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