jeudi 24 avril 2014

Was Ip Man a good teacher?

Hey guys. Honest question. While its not available in 3 hour drive from me, I was curious about wing chun. (having watched the last ip man video)

My question is, was he a less then good intentioned teacher? I ask because I was reading about how he purposely taught a bad version of wing chun to most of the other students and then only taught the real wing chun to a small handful of favored students.

I read that this sub par form had people dragging there feet and a unrealistic stance and many other things. Apparently it was this flawed version that Bruce Lee was taught.

Edit to add. Here is the article I read. Reading this, learning that he intentionally kept students in the dark and learning ineffective martial arts, is giving me a less then stellar impression. Please set the record straight.

So, why was Bruce Lee, and apparently 99% of his other students not actually shown or taught the real wing chun?

Reading my post it sounds trollish, but I really want to know. Did he have a good reason for what he did? WC has such a bad rep amongst the other arts, is this dissemination of poor wing chun, done on purpose the root cuase of the animosity?

If you can point me to some good reading on the subject, id love to know more about real wing chun and how it is really taught and why Ip Man taught the way he did.

Of course im willing to bet that some of the articles I read were flawed in some way. So I ask you for a education. Thanks guys!

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