vendredi 25 avril 2014

Spatial awareness disease

In modern times there is a disease that is rapidly spreading throughout the population. I have noticed that younger <30 are almost all infected with this though older are also affected to some degree.

This disease causes a person to have no spatial awareness of objects in their environment or other persons/living things around them.

It is common to see such persons effected with this disease to randomly walk into the road and almost get knocked down by traffic, walk into persons and not see them, stand in inconvenient places and be completely unaware of the inconvenience they are causing, whilst cycling pull-out in front of cars, Walking down a road completely unaware of the person walking behind them or for that matter in front of them, walking into objects and tripping over objects in their path.

I frequently encounter people infected with this disease whilst I’m at the gym. I pick a spot to lift some free weights which is out of the way of others and I can more or less guarantee within minutes I will have people walking under me as I am pushing a weight above my head, walking into me and saying sorry, almost getting knocked out whilst I raise a free-weight narrowly missing their head as they walk across my path.

I laughed to myself as I watched a belt grading taking place at a local gym, black/red belts and the place was packed-out for this grading. Anyway whilst waiting to be graded it was interesting to view these mostly young martial artists standing in the corridor completely unaware that they were blocking the access of other gym users, bumping into each other and tripping over those who were on the ground with their legs stretched out.

I find few things more sickening then watching the spread of this disease amongst people , and seeing it amongst “martial artists” is perhaps most sickening of all!

What’s your chances of being any good at martial arts if you cant even walk down the road and notice what and who is around you?

The number of people getting flattened each year by randomly walking into moving traffic has increased so much that the government is spending large amounts of money telling teenagers and young adults to watch as they cross the road. Absolutely sickening because when I was a kid such adverts were aimed at kids below the age of 10 and now we have a situation where these adverts are being made for young adults!

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