mercredi 23 avril 2014

Bullying, schools and martial arts

I will admit that this is for an assignment I have to do, but I chose the topic because it’s something I’m interested in anyway

So there’s bullying going on around the place and we hear about it occurring most in schools – and this has a lot to do with age and the poor decision making skills and coping strategies of young ‘uns.

You still have a lot of people (particularly parents) who advocate the use of physical violence to nip bullying in the bud so to speak. Now I’ll admit that it may work for kids in some cases and even some cases when in adult-hood but you won’t ever catch me recommending it. I would also challenge anyone to get a parent to admit advocating it in any official and non-anonymous setting.

This is mostly because it can get you into big trouble and doesn’t teach appropriate adult responses to conflict which can easily result in things like getting fired and put in jail.

It’s commonly recommended that kids have a social and physical outlet outside of schools such as sports clubs and this can help mitigate or prevent any bullying that might occur. Martial arts in particular is commonly suggested and advertised as helping to build confidence as well as teaching useful self defence skills for kids. But of course any martial arts should only be applied responsibly.

So I’m curious what you think of this issue and physical retaliation since martial arts can give kids the skills to be physically violent. Since this forum is mostly anonymous you can admit whether you might suggest it in some cases. And if you teach martial arts, I’d like to know if/how you cover appropriate responses to bullying when you are teaching kids. And of course there’s always the issue of giving a bully more ammunition in the form of martial arts skills.

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