jeudi 24 avril 2014

What exactly are the benefits of Tai Chi, and how does it compare to yoga?

So when I was young the general opinion of Tai Chi was that it just useless Chinese yoga that only had "use" to the new age hippy types. But lately I've noticed the tides changing, and Tai Chi seems to be making waves again with studies demonstrating health benefits that range from the psychological to the physical. And now I hear that people like Hannibal are TCers.

So guys what's the deal? Ignoring the martial art elements of Tai Chi, what are real tangible benefits of the practice? Please leave the new age stuff like chi, chakra, and energy out of the discussion, since I genuinely have no interest in these concepts.

Also as a side question, how does TC compare to yoga? They seem to advertise the same benefits, but the practices are also very different from an outsider looking in.

And yes I'm looking to possibly joining a local Tai Chi club. I'm looking for the supposed benefits in posture and bio-mechanics which I often feel are a bit out of whack. And I think it'd be a nice contrast to the weight-lifting that I do regularly.

Although I'm sure that the club available to me are more along the new age/hippy leaning, and may not be of the best breed, but you work with what you've got right?

There may also be a very attractive girl that's rumoured to practices with the group that I've been trying to find the opportunity to talk to for ages now, but we'll ignore that for the time being :rolleyes:

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