mercredi 28 septembre 2016

Autumn Overnighting in Eastern High Peaks

Hi there! I'm a longtime forum-lurker and as I have learned tons from just reading and you've all inadvertently helped me plan plenty of hikes, I'd love to pick your wise brains on a trip I'm planning for next week -- I've got some time off during the week and would like to take advantage of the early fall weather, minus the weekend traffic, to revisit the Marcy Dam area and hike a couple of not-too-tough peaks with my dog. I'm planning to spend a few days and nights hiking and camping. I'm somewhat familiar with the area, but I don't get up there as often as I'd like and have only done day hikes there.

My plan so far is to hike in from the Loj parking lot, set up camp near Marcy Dam or Avalanche Camp, hike up Phelps and back to camp, then on day 2 either hike up Wright or Colden via Lake Arnold (I'd like to keep the approach easy on my dog), head back to camp for the night, and then out and back to my car in the morning for the next leg of my trip elsewhere in the park.

So my question is: is it cool to leave my tent up in the same spot over 2 nights, in terms of both taking up space, and security of my stuff? If so, any advice for the best spot to shoot for? (And if not, how might I plan differently/better?)


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