vendredi 30 septembre 2016

Bench Press Issues

I'm currently in a phase where I'm keeping the weight lifting minimal and focused on gaining strength as I'm losing body fat. It's been working well so far but I'm running into a major issue with bench press and am wondering if anyone might have some insight.

I've never been big into bench press. The most I've been able to press was 275lbs and that was probably around 10 years ago. I've never really gave a damn about my chest. That said I've been working on bench press this last year as I've been getting back into fitness.

My routine is simple, 5x5 going up 10lb increments each set, and the first set goes up 5lbs after completing the 5x5 at the initial starting weight twice. So for example I started doing 5x5 with 165lbs on the first set, and as the sets go on I would finish at 205lbs. Currently I am at a starting weight of 175 lbs, with the last set ending at 215 lbs.

The issue I'm having is with my shoulders. The weight I'm doing isn't really heavy as much as it's hard, and most of that is attributed to poor experience with the lift. I injured myself bench pressing 225lbs a few months ago where my shoulder popped out of socket and put me out for a good month. As I've been increasing the weight in my bench press, I'm feeling a lot of strain on my shoulders (specifically my left) where it feels like the same "out of socket" thing is about to happen. The issue doesn't feel like the shoulder itself, but more around the scapula and the top end of the humerus bone. I'm looking for advice on what the issue may be here, because I really have no clue.

As far as my form goes, I shifted to a narrower grip that I hoped would prevent the shoulders from being an issue but it doesn't seem to have helped. I bring the bar down to where my solar plexus is, approximately 2 inches below the nipples.

I'm guessing this is an issue with the rotator cuffs or some supporting muscle group, and I've started doing band work for the cuffs. I honesty have no clue in this area. Any help is appreciated : P

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