jeudi 29 septembre 2016

Where to look/how to keep an eye out for self defense seminars near me?

I live near Boston so I'm sure there are occasionally reasonable/good SD seminars given...

Here is some background, and then I'll list what my goals are with this.

- Training jiu jitsu (modernized style incorporating boxing strikes (as well as other strikes) and emphasizing closing the distance and rapidly overwhelming opponents. So throws/joint locks/limb breaks/strikes/ground work.
- The gym I train at doesn't have resisted sparring until you hit brown belt.
- Very light coverage of self defense aspects:
- No discussion of the law
- Some work at middle belt ranks on diffusing situations, but not much. (I am lower belt, so haven't hit this yet, but my impression is it is not very in-depth.)
- No discussion of appropriate force levels, though occasionally we learn a less-violent technique alongside more violent ones, and the sensei mentions things like family reunions where somebody had too much to drink, etc, for using the less violent techniques. (E.g., learning standing headlock defenses, most of them involve potentially damaging strikes to the opponent and some involve throws/etc, but then we learn one that isn't going to cause much damage for use in the 'family reunion' type situation.)

My goals:
- Better understanding of the law. (I have read the laws for my state, but could probably use some expert instruction on some nuances.)
- Learn what information I should include when reporting an incident to police, including things I should try hard to remember during an incident.
- Practice diffusing situations against different types of aggressors
- Learn anything else I need that I currently don't know I don't know.

Any way, if you lived near Boston, how would you go about finding out about SD seminars/classes/etc? Once I find some how do I judge whether they are going to help with my goals?

Sorry if this seems like a silly question; I can Google for "boston self defense seminars", but that just returns a bunch of martial arts places.

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