mardi 27 septembre 2016

Stopping teaching, back to training, may pick up BJJ

Some of you may have noticed I've been a bit absent. Aside from a broken and now replaced laptop I've been making up my mind and decided to take a break from teaching (publicly) for a while. I've been teaching for about four years but I've decided to take a break. I'm quite busy with other commitments like work and school but it's also been quite difficult to get and keep a school up and running in the area I'm in currently so I'll be closing my doors for now.

I'll be going back to training with my Sifu and I think I'm going to split my time between there and some BJJ classes. There's a school about 10 minutes away whose head is a Marcus Soares blackbelt and I do miss grappling. soon as this post-viral cough clears up and I no longer sound like General Grievous

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