jeudi 29 septembre 2016

Selling on Ebay

Bit of an odd topic perhaps....

But have any of you done a bit of selling on eBay? Any general tips or information you can share?

I've bought a fair bit of vinyl off eBay and come across a fair amount of scammers (bootlegs and reissues being sold as first pressings etc, condition not being as good as listed etc etc), but never sold anything, so it's all new!

But anything I should know as a seller?


(Unnecessary details)

I used to buy a ton of magazines (music stuff, tattoo mags, FHMs etc, board sports, H&F/body building) and now have a fair few boxes of the damn things filling up the basement. I was going to bin them or burn them, but decided to stick them on eBay for a couple of euros. I had a look around eBay last night and found that some of the magazines are going for a couple of quid, but a lot are going for 15 or 20! I dunno if people actually pay that, but that's the price.

If I could get a bidding war between two Japanese guys for an FHM with Carmen Electra on the front, who knows....I could buy those stupidly expensive camera lenses I want!

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