vendredi 30 septembre 2016

My theory: The four paths


We know the sympathetic nervous systems four modes (Especially in PSTD) in reaction to stress. Fight, flight, freeze, fawn. I believe people are sorted out onto these four modes. So they are worlds that describe the workings of the mind.

I believe the first one, fight, is related to warriors. These warriors are samurais and not ronins. The emotion related to it is respect. Like they say, strength and honor. These warriors have strength, tremendous ammounts of strength and respect (honor is respectable). These warrios serve the devil. And that is not bad, because the world is inverted, making the devil God. And God the devil.

I believe the second one, flight, is the next up in queue. It is related to broken warriors. The emotion related to it is fear. They no longer got honor (never back down, as the Tiger Kung Fu is about never backing down or surrendering, everyone starts as Tiger when child until he is broken). They surrender their will to the God's ruthless regime.

I believe the third one in queue is freeze. This is the prison. You get served emptiness in the prison and nothing so you externally fall down, and eventually what is external becomes internal. The emotion here is nothing. And people in avoidance of this nothingness they start dreaming. Enlightened people don't dream.

I believe the fourth one in queue, fawn, is the weaklings reaction when he experiences emptiness and starts fawning to the stronger ones or the authorities. The feelings related to it is love. ... The thing is, why do you love your woman (the authority)? Because she comes to you or because you go to her?

I believe further that the first two (respect and fear) are related to believers. Believers, not in the traditional sense, are warriors. So either you respect the believers authority or you are discommunicated and banished and sent to exile and have to know fear, until you break or get crazy and lost. ... And the other two, nothingness (prison) and love are related to the secular world. You get sent to prison if you don't obey the authority and it is not allowed to die. Death is punishable, they used to say but it is futile to punish suicide attempts, so they started saying that it is shunned.


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