lundi 26 septembre 2016

Man In The Wilderness

That's two mornings in a row now where the temperature's border the 30's, and the fog is quite heavy. Days rapidly getting shorter, foliage peaking in the higher elevations, and sighting more and more flocks of geese heading south while critters such as squirrel, chipmunk and the like scurry about to gather nuts for the long winter ahead...

My neck has started to swell, and the wife wonders why I'm urinating so much as I meander about with head held high, constantly sniffing for that tantalizing odor that gets me going. I've pretty much stopped eating now, and I've worn a hole in the family room carpet scraping the floor as I ponder thoughts of the upcoming hunting season.

Yea...the rifle's all sighted in and I'm counting the day's till I head into the back country in pursuit of the elusive Adirondack whitetail... I'm old school, and I only hunt the deep back country of the Adirondacks. Don't care to see other hunters, but if I do, they've got to know what they're doing to be anywhere near where I am. Compass & topo are my best friend out there...along with 100% wool clothing. The lighter synthetics won't save your ass if your soaked and have to spend the night in the woods...

So get your ass in gear and start plotting strategy for your adventure. It doesn't get any better than that.

I've left you with a little something I always watch before I head out. Turn your speakers on and enjoy...

And remember: "It's not about the Kill, it's about the Adventure"


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