samedi 24 septembre 2016

Spectacle Ponds Cliffs (Lake George) 9/24/16

Parked on route 8 at a scenic pull-off on south side of highway. Followed a path down to Swede Pond brook. Then headed SE toward Spectacle Pond - paralleling the small side creek. Near the pond I picked up a well-defined (but unmarked) trail - presumably used by hunters. I followed it north until I reached posted land, then I climbed up the hill to the east of the pond. Nice views from the ledges up there. Came back down and then followed the hunters trail south to see where it went. I ended up at Wolf Pond and decided to climb the un-named hill to the east (elev. 1765). Found some nice views from ledges along the west and south sides of this hill. I returned by climbing over the small hill to the west of Spectacle Ponds. Some early fall colors on a lovely cool day.

some pictures

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