mercredi 28 septembre 2016

Kids MMA / TKD / Krav Maga classes in Cheshire?

I want my kids (9 & 10) to start training in a martial art with resistive opponents. We're not overly fussed about the style and as I know that most flavours will be useful if taught correctly and sparring is against resistance. We've arrived at this point as they've been training in traditional Ju Jitsu for a couple of years but at their age range it's just plain fake and totally useless in school skirmishes. We've tried a few TKD (sparring), MMA and Krav Maga classes but none were suitable (lack of participants, very short classes, no mats, too many games) so we're now struggling to find anywhere suitable in our area.

We've written off traditional Ju Jitsu, Karate, Kung Fu and Aikido for the lack resistive opponents, at least at kids level anyway, but please correct me if I'm wrong on this.

We're in Warrington but we're happy to travel a bit (Warrington, Widnes, Runcorn, Northwich) if we can find the right class. Our only prerequisites are that it's as real-world as possible and they use mats.

I did find Relentless MMA in Runcorn (which I guess is the remains of Wolfslair?) but their phone number is dead and they don't answer Facebook messages.

So any advice or pointers towards some decent clubs in my area would be much appreciated.

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