mercredi 28 septembre 2016

Hoel to Long Pond

I have never done this through paddle before so I thought it would be a good day to give it a go. I have been to Slang from Long Pond before and Turtle from Hoel but ever through all four in one shot.

I had hoped on a 7am start but didn't get on the water until after 9:30. I first dropped the Hornbeck off at Hoel then drove to Long Pond access to drop off the truck. I then rode my bike back to Hoel where I locked it up to a tree.
I put my waist high waders on along with the PFD and was finally on my way.

There was barely any wind and the sky was beautiful with a 60 degree air temperature. I made it to the culvert in short time and chose to forgo the up and over the RR track carry and pull the boat through the dry culvert. Easy stuff.

Paddled through Turtle and was at the outlet in short order. The outlet was a little scratchy and had to walk a little before paddling on to Slang. Slang is the prettiest of the first three with a great view of Long Pond Mountain. Site #1 was occupied and #2 was open. I have stayed at both in the past and each one is very nice and worthy.

The carry from Slang to Long was easy and once at Long I had a lunch of sardines, apricots and an apple. My plan was to hike Long Pond Mountain but since my departure time was set back I decided to paddle on and check out the campsites on Long Pond. I was surprised to see that quite a few of the old sites on some of the points were still allowed open by DEC. I thought more would have been closed.

I continued on to the take out checking out the loons, mergansers, kingfishers and the occasional bass breaking water. Nice day and saw just three other paddlers. A little early for prime foliage but the maples are showing their reds.

This is a popular paddle and I know many on this forum have paddled and camped on it but it is worthy of repeat performances.

Sorry, no photos. I can't locate my SD card reader or the camera cable.

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