lundi 24 mars 2014

All in?

Ok, who's "all in" for their religion. I mean to say, who's believes everything 100% from start to finish. Is there some things you are willing to look over, because your religion mostly fits your beliefs?

I'm not all in for any one religion, I like parts of Christianity, Mormonism, Buddhism etc. But I've yet to find the one religion that fits my personal beliefs.

Here's a few examples of what I have a hard time with...

Christianity, I can believe that god created man...simple enough, but he sure as heck didn't do it 6000 years ago, and certainly not in the form we are today. I can't deny the science of evolution or the fossil record.

Mormonism, I really like that everyone goes to heaven... I don't believe in hell either. I also like that this religion accounts for the fact that life most likely exists on other planets as well. The part I have trouble with is that the golden plates were not in English. God spoke to moses, mary, noah, and countless others I'm sure I don't the names of. If he can, and I do believe he can... speak any language, why leave the plates in an angelic language that had to be interpreted through scrying?

Buddhism, I'm fine with reincarnation, honestly the thought of only one try at human life followed by eternity elsewhere seems little one sided. But if you base someone's "score" on how they physically fit into one of the 32 signs, which are based on a person who was born defective...well, that's seems a bit on the.... not so mart side.

I'm not knocking any religions, or at least trying not to...I've always been fascinated by religion and how people see the world/universe/life etc.

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