mardi 25 mars 2014

How long did it take?

Evening all,

I was curious how long it took for your training to click with you all?

I have never done much in the way of martial arts, apart from learning go throw a few punches and look after myself when I was a teenager. It has always been something I've wanted to do but I was always drawn to weight lifting due to my previous profession.

I have recently started Thai boxing after loosing all interest in weights and sitting on the couch eating crap for a few years. I am targeting loosing weight mainly at the moment but I can't help but feel frustrated with myself after some training sessions.

Sometimes it just doesn't seem to click with me, I consistently screw up combinations or hold the pass the wrong way and find myself completely forgetting the methods I have been taught the week before, so my foot work or hands go to c**p. this leaves me disheartened greatly after training sometimes and I was wondering if anyone else had experienced anything simpler?

As it leaves me often questioning wether I should really be in that gym and if I'm just waisting the instructors time.

Sorry for the depth of the question but it has been playing on my mind heavily.

Thanks for any insight or experience your willing to share.

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