jeudi 1 septembre 2016

An Algonquin Park Canoe Loop (7 days-2016)

Part I:
I head off to Algonquin Park, Ontario Canada. A "blind date" with David S. (forum alias: Coldfeet) who had planned this trip. David, needing a partner/s to go along on his trip posted on the forum an offer to anyone that may be interested to come along. I was the only respondent and we ended up having a great adventure. Each of us approached the trip as if going “solo”.

Part II:
After recovering David’s gear from the Yellow Jackets we continue on our adventure. In Part II we encounter even more of the parks wildlife, enjoy “cold handle” frying pan meals, hold a “fireside” chat, discover exactly what the “Devil’s Razor” is, and we end up being escorted out of the park by an asylum of the parks summer residents. I also have an unexpected visitor surface within feet of me while swimming in Big Porcupine Lake and the fishing improves in Ragged Lake.

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