samedi 3 septembre 2016

Info on Karate styles

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read this.
So a few years ago I came into contact with a karate "master" that had his own dojo. In polite conversation, I asked what style he taught. He laughed, said something along the lines of what a naive question, you must be stupid to ask this. How years ago, all styles were merged into one, and there are no such things as individual styles anymore. We ended up arguing and never speaking again.

And a few weeks ago, I ran into another karate master that used to teach isshin ryu. He also told me the same story how all styles were merged into one, and is now known as sport karate, but he was much more polite.
I said how can this be, when there are at least 3 kyokushin clubs in your city. He shook his head and said there are no kyokushin clubs in Croatia. A quick google search proves he is wrong.

My question is, whats going on? Why are these people making these strange claims?

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