mardi 24 juin 2014

Cranberry Lake 50 current trail conditions?

Hi all,

Planning on driving up on Thursday morning from northern NJ to Burntbridge TH. Hope to arrive prior to 1pm. Will be hiking counter-clockwise to get the road walk out of the way. 1st night I will be staying at the lean-to on Peavine Swap Trail prior to the ranger school. 2nd night (Friday) at High Falls. Anyone know if these campsite will be full at this time of year? 3rd night not to sure about, either Olmstead Pond or Chair Rock. 4th night Dog Pond or Curtis Pond, depending on how I feel.

As of today forecast looks to be sunny. I have the NAT Geo map. Is the trail from Sixmile Creek trail to Chair Rock clearly marked? As for the bug situation, will I need a head bug net? Are long sleeve shirts recommended?

Any advise is appreciated.


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