samedi 28 juin 2014

Hello From Eastern Wa

Hello all,

I just thought id introduce myself and give a brief history of my martial art training.

I've been studying martial arts since 1998, actually before that if you count interested and self taught thru books.

I started off with Shoot Fighting, BJJ and Judo then I went to Choy Li Fut kungfu.

I've dabbled in Yang Tai Chi, Wing Chun, Bagua Chuan and now am at a dojo that teaches Judo, Aikido, BJJ & Kick Boxing (all thru individual instructors) but am currently focusing on aikido thats offered at the Dojo.

I'd say my foundation arts are the mixture of grappling along with my Choy Li Fut Kung Fu with the other arts that I have studied as complimentary arts to my foundation arts.

I chose the aikido as the new art to focus on since I couldn't find a Kung fu school that I wanted to dedicate my time and effort to since I relocated to wa.

As the aikido goes im actually enjoying it quite a bit and do like how it is different then the other arts I've studied as well as complimenting them very well. It looks like I will be focusing on the aikido while still practicing my CLF, WC, YTCC & Bagua forms.

Well thats my brief history of martial arts and I look forward to participating in the threads on this forum.

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