lundi 23 juin 2014

I need you guys to think back for me, wondering about my knee/leg pain from kicking

I had a lesson yesterday. My instructor wasn't happy with some of my shadow boxing... in that he wasn't happy with how I was putting things together, but leaving some things out. That's fine with me as I would rather learn the right way.

However, a little while after class I noticed that pain in my leg/knee again. Although my left leg kicks are not as good (since I'm not a southpaw and don't work on them as much because that's where the knee pain is mostly). Not real serious pain, and didn't feel like it was in the joint really. My right leg kicks are more to his liking. The hips are turning over much better and he is overall happy with them.

I started to think... is it just being on my toes and staying slightly bent at the knee that is working the thigh and causing the muscular pain around that area?

My question is, when you all started learning to kick properly, did you ever notice pain and cramping around that area? I'm really trying to figure out what is causing this issue. I'm not going to put myself into a situation where my knees wind up shot from this, so if it keeps up, I may have to tell him I want to work on hands and elbows only. That would be a real disappointment to me though, so I'm trying to work it out. Legs are sore right now actually.

I also have not been able to do my recumbent bike riding for more than 30 minutes at a time. I get finished and can't even walk right for about 2 or so minutes until it looses back up. I would say the bike might have caused it, but I took a good week off of that, and it really didn't start up until kicking the heavy bag.

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