jeudi 26 juin 2014

End of My Rope Need advice for situation.

I live in a smallish community of foreigners in China, and normally we all get along well, however once in awhile their are some idiots to deal with. Normally the idiots learn their lesson after they piss of the the community.

However tonight one such idiot was harassing my friends at the local watering hole. He has caused problems, been in at least two fights, one of which I had to aggressively break up a few months ago. It was with a good friend of mine. Around that time he had also had went up to a female friend of mind and told her that he wanted lick her (somewhere I can't say because of ToS). She had turned her down and the next day he went up to her and ranted to her about respect. Anyway that is a bit of the history.

Tonight another friend of mine was invited to be celebrity bartender and this guy shows up tonight to watch the game. He starts telling her she's drunk and that she should go home. I don't have a problem with that specifically but the way he did it was quite sexist. When her best friend came up to him and said we're looking after her and that she'll get home safely, he told her to duck off. Actually he pretty much told everyone to duck off.

Actually he didn't didn't leave until the girl who he had wanted to lick had come outside and had words with him in which he told her repeatedly to shut her lady parts. The girl he was originally harassing tonight was physically hiding behind the girl who was standing up to him tonight. A sassy English girl I might add.

It took a lot of self control to not punch this guy tonight. I even told other, more level headed friends (including the owner) to go out and talk to the guy. But that didn't seem to work because the dude didn't listen.

I've tried avoiding that guy, and I've talked with the owners of the bar about banning him but I don't think that they will do that because apparently he leaving soon anyway. I am glad that it didn't get violent this time, I don't want to hurt people and I don't want the reputation of someone is violent. I think I will put up an message on the social sites about this guy, and warn people about him. I am getting quite tired of this nonsense.

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