jeudi 26 juin 2014

Snowy vs Giant... Which is harder?

I referenced this in my Family Hiking Near Wells thread, but it probably deserves a thread of its own.

After doing Snowy Mountain last year, my son and I bagged the highest peak in the Southern Adirondacks. If we want to step it up, we have to hit the High Peaks.

After hearing the name "Giant Mountain" my son who's now 7 is wanting to give it a go. Coincidentally, its also one of the easier High Peaks. How does it compare to Snowy Mountain? I was thinking of camping at the Giant's Washbowl, taking the Ridge Trail up... then taking the Roaring Brook trail back down, returning to camp... and then home.

Is it A LOT harder than Snowy... if not, maybe we'll bail and do Wakely or Pillsbury closer to Wells?

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