mardi 24 juin 2014

East Dix via North Fork Bouquet Trail Head

Hello Crew!

My wife and I are planning to climb the East Dix Slide this weekend, starting from route 73. We hope to set up camp early in the hike and head on to do East Dix. Might also do S. Dix, Hough/Pough and head back to campe for the night. We attempted this last year, but after getting losing our way a bit, we never made it. Now, we are armed with more info, better compass skills, a much more detailed map, and a willingness to succeed!!!

Does anyone have a favorite camp site in this area? Ya know, great swimming spot, good fire ring, etc. I see there is a site designated further down the "trail," near the South Fork, almost to the slide itself. I've explored the area a bit in years pas... Cranberry Pond, Rhododendron, Lilypad, etc. Any favorite spot you are willing to share?

Also, are dogs stil permitted in this area?

Fires still OK?

Bear canisters still required?

Whiskey still OK to kill the night's chill? <joke>

We've done DIX Mt before, so the plan is to climb E Dix, and head back down the E. Dix slide and back track back to 73. Or, possibly climb E. Dix, over to S. Dix, then and Macomb, back to S. Dix, and over Hough... And maybe bushwhack down from Hough to the trail/herd path. Not sure if this is possible yet. I guess we'll see when we get up there. I've heard there are lots of unmarked "herd paths" in the area so that could be a good thing. Or maybe not so much.

Any tips? Suggestions?


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