mardi 24 juin 2014

Testosterone and my little study

A few years ago, I was feeling very sluggish, irritable, tired a lot, depressed, etc. I had all my blood work done and there was nothing out of normal ranges. I turned to some friends who use steroids to ask them since most of them have really put in hours upon hours of reading as well as I think 2 of them having actual degrees in whatever it's called (slipped my mind at the moment).

It was suggested to me to read a study they had send to me back in 2012 which stated that vitamin D3 could raise free test levels. Many of you may be familiar at the difference between free and total test levels, but if not the short of it is that you could have a high level of total test, but if the free is to low, it doesn't do you very much good because that it what your body can actually use.

These guys understood that I did not want to go the steroid route and so suggested me trying D3 everyday for a while and then get blood levels rechecked. I called my Doctor and she had no issue with that.

I started this I guess over a year ago now. I have all of the numbers, but both my total and free are at the highest level they have been in my life. My total is 902 ng/dl (range is 250-1100). My free is now at 120.0 (range being 35.0-155.0).

Looking back on my test results, when I was feeling sluggish my total was 636 ng/dl and free was 11.2 (keep in mind the free levels on this test range was different which was 9.0-25)

Post vitamin D3 at the next test was the following: 676 ng/dl and 17.3. This test was done 6 months later.

6 months later again I had the following numbers: 834 ng/dl and 143.4 (out of the 35-155 range), so it went up quite a bit.

Also keep in mind that 6 years ago my levels were 634 and 109.3. Test levels typically drop about 1% a year after 30.

All that was changed was riding 4-5 days a week and the D3. Leg work is also known to help elevate test levels.

This is not to argue that it would work for everyone, but for those who are getting a little older or feeling the symptoms of low test to look into this before being committed to using prescription test. This is only for reference and perhaps to help someone else.

Again, this is only my own little study but the numbers do back it up.

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