mardi 24 juin 2014

Idea: What does everyone learning SD need to know?

I signed up here a while ago and then disappeared. I mentioned that I did Japanese jujitsu for a while and then stopped due to a lack of time to pursue it. That's the same reason I didn't stick around here.

Right now I'm still very interested in self defense and am looking into what angle to approach this from. There's this idea I've had in my head for quite some time and I just wanted to know what people's thoughts are: I want to write a blog that details everything a person needs to know if they're looking into self defense.

I am aware that there are other resources out there. There are two reasons I'm still looking into this idea: One, I haven't found anything that is exactly what I'm after. Some things have come close, but they're not quite there. Secondly, I feel like you learn things better when you are doing the research and conveying them yourself.

If nothing else, this is an opportunity for me to learn. It has to be mentioned that I have only very brief experience in both self defense and writing. So it might be a while until I can come up with something that's worth putting out to the public.

I want it to be based off research and the experiences of a wide range of people, people who work in security, people who know about psychology, people who have been exposed to violence etc. I don't want it to be another blog where the author just babbles on with conjecture.

If you think about it. This forum has a lot of incredibly useful information in that's come out of the discussions, but there's also a lot you have to sift through to find it.

So what am I actually asking here? I don't know really; I kind of wanted to mention in public it as a way to force myself to get started. If anyone has any thoughts on the idea or the feasibility of it or any suggestions of good resources to do my research from that would be helpful. If you would like to help with the blog itself that would be appreciated as well.

It may not be a good idea, but I'm adaptable; If you think it isn't feel free to say so. I'm not going to plug it here or anything, I'm just discussing the idea.

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